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rexxperience 2019: Unique exchange of experiences for power users

On 14 and 15 November 2019, HR professionals met in Hamburg for the second “rexxperience”. In addition to useful information on rexx modules, the participants had the opportunity to discuss interesting insights from the world of HR.

On the eve of the event, rexx systems sent out invitations to a get-together at a beach club in the port of Hamburg. Besides the wonderful views, the main focus was on the participants getting to know the rexx systems team. This year, the rexx team welcomed almost 50 customer representatives, up from 20 last year .

Following a hearty breakfast the next day, the workshops began. The first focus was the individual configuration of management self-services in rexx wheels aimed at the optimal integration of managers into a large number of business processes. Under the headline “pimp your rexx”, senior consultant Sascha Netik explained how welcome pages are integrated with information and analysis that are really interesting for managers.

Another focus area for rexxperience was talent management. Under the motto “What the hack are skills?”, the participants learned about the meaning and effects of skills in the rexx Suite and discussed new features and application examples. As every year, the focus was also on the exchange between power users. This was a great networking event, where participants shared their experiences, e.g. how different modules and functions are used in their companies and how they add value.

Gruppenbild rexxperience 2019 neu The participants of rexxperience 2019

rexx software-related workshops inspire participants

In the afternoon, further workshops explored how companies can use Skills or Seminar Management with the rexx Suite. In addition, the participants took an in-depth look at rexx onboarding. How is the onboarding of employees in companies planned and structured to cut down on induction training times and increase satisfaction? The workshops were rounded off by practical reports illustrating the workflows involved.

rexxperience 2019 Presentation at rexxperience

The discussed contents were immediately put into practice. Practical tips from the consultants facilitate implementation within the rexx Suite.

As a special highlight, the new rexx Training Management was presented before dinner. The latest development within the rexx Suite caused a stir not only among the companies that employ many trainees, but also among the guests from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The participants continued discussing rexx software and optimization efforts in their own companies until late at night – the last guests left at 3:00 in the morning, yet still showed up on Friday at 9:00 sharp for a moderated group work on rexx modules and on all open topics and questions that arose on Thursday. Their eyes were perhaps a little smaller than the day before, but the enthusiasm for the rexx Suite and its possibilities was all the greater.

Exchanging views and ideas until late into the night

“My takeaway is that we can do much more with this software. Rexx can make the day-to-day work much easier, says Richard Kessler, Head of Personal Service, Versandhaus Walz GmbH

rexxperience 2019 Closing event on Thursday evening in Neni Restaurant

The participants were excited about the possibilities offered by the rexx Suite to map HR processes digitally and optimise workflows. One insight was that with rexx there are often several paths that lead to the desired outcome. Time and again, the participants said that the format of rexxperience should not only continue, but that the professional exchange among rexx users should be further promoted in 2020. It will be interesting to see whether the idea of “rexx cracks” will be implemented and whether the five companies will meet regularly to implement the very special tricks of the HR trade digitally and share them with rexx users in the customer forum.

“In general, the sharing of experiences with other customers is great. It is interesting to see how they have solved challenges and how everyone works with the system. This alone is quite valuable. I think I was able to take away quite a lot,” adds Jörn Johanssen, IT Consultant / Product Owner HR Systems, Hermes Germany GmbH.

rexxperience 2019 brought HR experts together and created a unique platform where the participants could exchange experiences on exciting HR topics. The workshops and the opportunity to network with other companies and the rexx experts were particularly valuable.

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